In Pics: Farmers Busy with Harvesting Across Hunan on First Day of Autumn
The photo, taken on August 8, shows a farmer harvesting middle-season rice with a reaper at Guitou Village, Meihua Town, Daoxian County. Liqiu, or the beginning of autumn, fell on August 8 this year. Liqiu is the first day of autumn on the Chinese lunar calendar. Farmers in different areas of the county are busy with harvesting. (Photo/He Hongfu and Li[gf]2002[/gf]Haozhang)
The photo, taken on August 8, shows villagers are busy harvesting wax grounds for marketing at Daxiyuan Village, Qianjiadong Yao Township, Jiangyong County. This year, the village has planted over 200 mu (13 ha.) of wax grounds, with a yield of 4 tons per mu and a revenue of 1,000 yuan per ton. The output value is expected to hit 800,000 yuan, providing strong support for rural revitalization. (Photo/Ren Zewang and Xie Wenbin)
The photo, taken on August 8, shows a farmer loading newly-harvested rice at Guitou Village, Meihua Town, Daoxian County. Liqiu, or the beginning of autumn, fell on August 8 this year. Liqiu is the first day of autumn on the Chinese lunar calendar. Farmers in different areas of the county are busy with harvesting. (Photo/He Hongfu and Li Haozhang)
The photo, taken on August 8, shows farmers collecting lotus seedpods at a plantation in Banqiao Town, Changning City. Liqiu, or the beginning of autumn, fell on August 8 this year. Liqiu is the first day of autumn on the Chinese lunar calendar. Farmers in different areas of the county are busy with harvesting. (Photo/Zhouxiu Yuchun)
The photo, taken on August 8, shows a fruit cooperative staff checking the growth of three-leaf akebia at Tingping Village, Tingping Township, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County. Liqiu, or the beginning of autumn, fell on August 8 this year. Liqiu is the first day of autumn on the Chinese lunar calendar. Nearly 10,000 mu (about 667 ha.) of featured fruits including Miao pearls, three-leaf akebia, and grapes are ripe. The vast mountainous countryside is filled with an enticing and sweet aroma of fruits. (Photo/Yan Qinlong)
The photo, taken on August 8, shows farmers collecting late-season rice seedlings at Zhangtang Village, Banqiao Town, Changning City. Liqiu, or the beginning of autumn, fell on August 8 this year. Liqiu is the first day of autumn on the Chinese lunar calendar. Farmers in different areas of the county are busy with harvesting. (Photo/Zhouxiu Yuchun)
The photo, taken on August 8, shows farmers harvesting peppers at Xinhua Village, Wanfoshan Town, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. Liqiu, or the beginning of autumn, fell on August 8 this year. Liqiu is the first day of autumn on the Chinese lunar calendar. Farmers in different areas of the county are busy with harvesting. (Photo/Chen Junyu)
编辑:田梦瑶 吴雨霜(实习生)
In Pics: Farmers Busy with Harvesting Across Hunan on First Day of Autumn
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